Eleanor B. Alter Recently Featured in 2022 Annual Report for the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection of the State of New York

Eleanor B. Alter was recently featured in the 2022 Annual Report for the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection of the State of New York, which is in its 40th year of operation. Eleanor proudly served as Trustee of the Fund for 30 years, from 1983 to 2013, at the invitation of the New York Court of Appeals, and also served as the Fund's Chairman of the Board of Trustees for 26 years, from 1985 until 2011.
The Fund is an independent public trust, financed by New York’s legal profession, which aims to protect and reimburse law clients impacted by dishonest conduct in the practice of law. No other profession provides such protection to its clients.
Eleanor said, “To have been a long-term part of this client protection fund has been the pinnacle of my professional career. The Fund, a government agency, has accomplished just what it was supposed to do and much, much more. For me, over the years my respect for the Fund has continued to grow and I honor the commitment made by the legal community to provide compensation to the victims of unscrupulous and careless attorneys without the use of tax dollars. The Fund has also been a national leader in accomplishing the enactment of preventative rules that help to build confidence in the legal community for clients. We can all be very proud of the Fund, and I am very proud and honored to have been a part of it.”